CICPB has two levels of membership: Non-certified member and certified member, if you want to know more details, please visit Membership Categories.

195 Per Year275 Per Year
  • All fees are non-refundable.
  • Payment of fees may be made by cheque, money order or e-Transfer.
  • Payment by e-Transfer, please contact CICPB.
  • The Enrolment fee must be paid in full at time of application.
  • The Registration fee(s) must be included with an official transcript.
  • The Annual Professional Fee must be paid when due.
  • Members receive a tax receipt only for the annual professional fee.

The Annual Professional Fee for members in good standing are assessed on January 1 of each year. Members who enroll during the year will be subject to a prorated amount for the remainder of the year. 

These fees are tax deductible.